Submitted this review about Cosmos Auto Inc. Review made Live: 7/31/2007 11:20:00 AM
We were attempting to have our vehicle transported from New York to Florida by Cosmos Auto Inc., however 8 weeks later and we never received a date. They are now using the excuse of a "small chance" that the vehicle cannot be delivered with myself and the BBB ( but they waited two months to tell us that. We dealt directly with Mark, who continually told us that he was "working on it". I also spoke with the receptionist who stated that the job may have been underbid and we should offer the truck driver additional money to get the vehicle delivered in a timely manner. I tried to confirm this information with Mark and he said he could not answer any questions regarding bidding because he did not work in that area. I tried to get answers on whether this is typical for this time of year or if there is a specific problem with the price. Mark has informed me that this is a busy time of year. (Mark also represented himself as the owner of the Company but wasn't.) After contacting the Owner I was told it was not a difficult route or time of year and he would take care of it. The following day I was told that the office was doing everything they can but no one could give me an answer as what the delay was and when I contacted Mark he had no idea I contacted the Owner so nothing was being done. There was no attempt to satisfy their end of the contract (7 day schedule date) or have any custosmer service. Why even have a contract when they have no intention of abiding by it!
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New York
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Company Response Cosmos Auto Inc from Cosmos Auto Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 8/10/2007 8:22:00 PM
Completelly false. Maria's order was cancelled after two and half weeks due to threatening emails which we have saved.
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