Very Poor Business

Ryan Submitted this review about Cosmos Auto Inc.
Review made Live: 7/9/2007 10:53:00 PM
I wish I had seen this website first. I arranged a pick up of my 1969 C-10 almost two months prior to the actual move date of June 20th. Now they have the 1-7 business day window and I understand that. Today is July 9th and I am in Maryland with ALL of my possesions except for my truck. I actually sent my girlfriend on the trip ahead of me to try and acoomodate them and give them more time, but they still failed. I have called them every time. Not a single person in the office has bothered to pick up the phone and contact me to let me know what is going on. They give me excuses everytime and today when I called, the response I got today was "You know we are losing money on this move ourselves." This is what I was told, no kidding! I explained again that this was not my problem due to the fact that I had arrainged this pickup almost two months prior to the actual pickup day and I even waited for the 7 day window. When I told Mark that if my truck was not a carrier by the end of the week, I would be seeking business else where, Mark told me "I am doing my best to get it done by the middle of this week (I heard that in June), and he will do what he has to do, but I gotta do what I gotta do." What kind of message is that sending to the consumer? Basically you are telling me that you do not care about me or what kind of bind you are putting me in. I am in the military and I do not make a boat load of money so if you had not blown smoke up my ass, I could have had someone else do it when it was cheaper. I have also had to leave my truck with a good friend of mine in California, which is putting him in a bind, because now he has to worry about my vehicle which he should not have to do. This vehicle is not worth alot of money, but it is something that I have put alot of my money and time into and if this is the attitiude I get before a pickup, then how do you think the service will turn out for the delivery? I think they will move vehicles when it is convient for them and when they will make a buck. I understand when you run a business you are trying to make a profit, but I also know about good customer service and that is something that I have not gotten with Cosomos Auto Transport. I can almost garauntee excuses for the rebuttal..........

Company Response
Cosmos Auto Inc from Cosmos Auto Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 7/10/2007 10:33:00 AM
We made a mistake taking this order 2 months before it was available. We usually do not do this because prices usually increase and makes it very hard to find a truck at the old price. This order must have slipped through our fingers.