Gave up waiting for them to schedule the delivery

Hans Submitted this review about Cosmos Auto Inc.
Review made Live: 8/23/2007 10:05:00 AM
I requested a number of bids to transport my vehicle from Michigan to California. Cosmos Auto was the low bid (most were $100 to $400 more), so I went ahead with them. I sent the order to Cosmod Auto on August 1. On August 3, I checked on the status of this order as I did not hear back from the company. However, the person on the telephone found no record of this order, so I resent it again. After waiting, I called back on August 9, 13, 14, 16, 20, and 22. Each time, I was told that 7 business days is there usual length to schedule the delivery and after that period, they would expedite the order. Also, they could never give me a good estimate on when they might be able to schedule the delivery. Finally after losing patience, I cancelled my order on August 22.

While this companies and other do indicate that some orders do not get filled sith 5-7 business days, my recommendation is that you get what you pay for. And during busy months like the summer, truckers have plenty of choice on what prices and routes they will take. So low-ball bids probably will not fair well.

Thus, if you want quick service, then you probably shouldn't go with the lowest bid.

Finally, on August 22, I solicited a second round of bids. It was interesting to note that Cosmos Auto came back with a bid of $840, which again was the lowest by a fair amount. If people wish to go with this company, then maybe you should request bids on different days to see if you can find a lower price (and be willing to wait).