Slow Responses after purchase

Jolene Submitted this review about Coastal Auto Transport Co. (INACTIVE)
Review made Live: 8/27/2011 4:08:00 AM
I contacted several carrier brokers who had 5 star feedback from this site. Many of the brokers offered a student discount, which Phil said that he also offered. If he offers a discount, the rate is the same price as if you don't have a discount.

Phil is honest and experienced. Prior to the sale, he spent time explaining reasoning for using a broker to find a carrier and the reasons why the price may not match other similiar shipping routes. We settled on a price range which was about $200 above what I thought the going rate was, this is highly dependent on the supply and demand of carriers. Glad that Phil explained that or I would have continued to shop.

My vehicle left the departure location late by a day and arrived at destination location late by a day. Not a big deal. The carrier called me the day before and the day of delivery to ensure that I was home for pickup.