BOOKING DATE..Car Transportation from Ct. to Fl. confirmed by Patrick Driscoll, VP Shipping. Contract signed & faxed. $150. deposit is charged to my credit card. PICK-UP DATE..Received a call from Castle stating a new contract is required along with an additional $50. I push back, remind them I have a signed contract and they say everything would be "OK as is" Later in the day, Castle sent another carrier to pick up my car and says they require more money ($50. over contract) when car arrives at destination. Since I had no choice, reluctantly I release the car. ARRIVAL DAY (well sort of) Phoned Castle numerous times and don't get anything but voice mail. My calls are not returned. My car arrives in Fl two days late!AND I have to pay the additional $50 to get the car. TODAY.....I've not heard from Castle and I remain dissatisfied and frustrated. Castel Luxury did not uphold the contract. They engaged a third party to do the work, charged me additional fees and delivered lade. THESE FOLKS ARE ANYTHING BUT LUXURY!
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