Excellent timing for pickup.

SFtoVB Submitted this review about Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc.
Review made Live: 9/15/2011 6:34:00 PM
Excellent timing for pickup. Would use again!! Initially contacted the Cascade office one month ahead of time, was emailed quote immediately. The shipping works like a bidding system - drivers have to accept your bid for the order to be confirm. One week before our expected pickup date, our order still had not been confirmed, so we called Cascade, and the office immediately called one of their shippers in LA and we were connected. Very satisfied with service. Would use again!!

Company Response
Terry Williams from Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 9/19/2011 9:22:00 PM
Kimberly@Cascadevehicleshipping.com 360-834-7898 ext 230 cvs.kimberly@yahoo.com www.facebook.com/cascadevehicleshipping www.cascadevehicleshipping.com James and Kaci, I so glad you are happy with the service I provided. Please give me a call when you are ready to ship again.