Cross Country

Dan H Submitted this review about Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc.
Review made Live: 8/19/2011 2:34:00 PM
My new car had to be shipped from the west coast to the east coast. I was looking for the best, most reliable service I could find. I found it with Cascade and Malia. The whole process took 12 days from first contact with Cascade to delivery of the vehicle. The transport from coast to coast took 8 days. The car was delivered in the middle of the three day window of expected delivery. The only damage was a scratched hubcap, that is still being fussed with, but the car arrived safely. The only glitch was the driver didn't pick the car up until 10:00 PM, so don't expect the "day of pickup" to mean daytime! Communication with Malia was excellent and easy.

Company Response
Terry Williams from Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 8/19/2011 3:29:00 PM
ONLY THE BEST!! CALL MALIA 360-834-7898 - Dan, thank you so much for such a nice review. Sorry about the scratch on the hubcap, the carrier's do their best as to not have any damage to the vehicle, happens once in a while. Thanks again. MALIA