satisfied customer

Charles J. Lange Submitted this review about Car Movers USA
Review made Live: 3/8/2008 2:35:00 PM
To whom it may concern, Last Tues., I shipped a vehicle to N.J., to my grandson. It was a 1997 Chevy, S10 pickup with only 15,900 miles. Needless to say, it was in excellent condition and I had "babied" it for 10 years. I was concerned about shipping and fearful of the trearment it may get. I had contacted CarMoversUSA and contracted with them. The pick up company was 3 days late and I made numerous calls to CarMoversUSA. I spoke with a gentleman, Anthony, on these calls. He was always courteous, dealing with an elderly, concerned customer. He contacted the original pick up company and also arranged for another company to make the pick up. My truck was delivered in good condition. I thank CarMoversUSA and especially Anthony, for handling the job properly. A satisfied customer, Charles J. Lange