NEVER use this company

Matt C Submitted this review about Car Movers USA
Review made Live: 2/25/2008 5:41:00 PM
This has been the worst experience of my move to date. Never use this company! I was quoted a price to have my vehicles transported and Hector the sales agent took my deposit, stated my cars were booked on a transport for Feb 11, and disappeared. Feb 11 came and I had not heard anything so I called and after about 8-10 attempts got a guy in the dispatch that wanted another 3-5 days as no one was interested unless I could add another $150 to the price to get someone interested. Sound shady? Well, I was in a time crunch so I agreed and they would try and get someone for tomorrow. Tomorrow came and still I did not hear from anyone. So I called again and got the same story. I promptly canceled my order and was told I would get a refund in 5-10 days. That was 12 days ago. I have since filed a complaint with the USDOT and contested the charge with my credit card company.

These people excel at poor service!