i will never use again

regina Submitted this review about Car Movers USA
Review made Live: 11/10/2007 11:03:00 AM
I guess I never thought it would be so difficult to move a car.I also never knew there were so many dishonest companies out there.Car movers usa was the second company that I was dealing with.The first company also took my deposit and did not follow through with the deal.
I called a number that sent my request out to ten auto moving companies.I got an e-mail from car movers usa(maria)for 675.door to door so of course I called.I spoke to Maria who said they could do it for 800 and something.I said I got a quote for 675. from you guys already.Oh that was a mistake she told me but I can do it for 775 total so I said ok.(honestly I should have hung up when they changed the quote in the first place)
When Maria sends me the contract it is for 675 due to the driver and 175.00 deposit.Does this equal 775?So i call them and they send me a new contract for 150 deposit and 625. due to the driver.I asked for a guarentee in writing my vehicle would be picked up by Monday and she assured me it would but I just did not feel she was being upfront with me.(sometimes you can just tell)They said they would put it in the contract that it would be picked up by Monday but they never did.I never signed the contract.Instead I checked this website for what other consumers thought and I could not believe what I read.I decided to cancel because I could not go through this again.The contract states they will refund deposit if you cancel befire a truck is dispatched.I called and told them I was cancelling and they said they would call me back.Of course Maria calls me back and I felt that she tried to bully me into not cancelling.She even assured me it would be picked up on Monday .I just did not believe her and so I e-mailed them with my request to cancal once again.No response from the company.I called my credit card and they already had my 150.00 deposit even though they did nothing for me.I e-mailed them again and asked them not to charge my credit card since I cancelled the service.I have not heard back from them and now I will have to file a dispute through the credit card company.
Consumers beware you get what you pay for!I feel I was ripped off from this company.I just spoke with the credit card company and car movers usa not only charged my card but the charged 175.00How can they get away with this?