Will post the price you want to pay

Bob Submitted this review about Capitol Auto Transport
Review made Live: 6/29/2008 7:27:00 PM
I was going to ship my two cars with a broker in San Anselmo, California as their on line quotes were the lowest at $600.00 and $700.00, but when I talked to an agent she gave me quotes of $675.00 and $825.00. I told her I received lower quotes on line the previous week. She said the price went up over the weekend due to diesel prices. Ya, right! I don't do business with companies that give low on line quotes, then jack up the price when you're ready to order. I said I didn't want to pay more than the original quotes. She said and I quote "Good Luck". When I called Capitol and spoke to Kat, she said that she didn't think anyone would pick them up for those prices, but she would post them for the amount I wanted to pay and see if there were any takers. I called back and raised the prices to $625.00 and $725.00. She called two days later and the Ford Escape was shipped from Grand Rapids, MI to Houston, TX for $725.00. Fourteen days after placing the order the Hyundai Elantra was shipped from Houston to Grand Rapids for $625.00. Those are good prices considering the trucking companies only received $550.00 and $450.00 after paying Capitol's fee. I also gave each driver a $30.00 tip.