Don't use them...

Wilmerding Submitted this review about Bluestar Auto Movers
Review made Live: 2/5/2008 10:31:00 AM
Would reccommmed NOT using!!!!!

Cars were not delivered to the correct destionation....untill I found a towing company to pick them up off the side of the road and deliver to agreeed location.

One car had roof rack turned upside down and scratched paint and a battery jumper box was missing.

The second car was tampered with - motor was adjusted. This is an old car with a glow plug etc. The car had written directions on how to start and run car...
Car needs to go to shop to get tpaired so it runs properly.

Company Response
Yosi Matilsky from Bluestar Auto Movers Submitted this response.
Response Date: 2/21/2008 10:23:00 AM
Andrew hired us to locate a truck that would be able to move his SUV's to Massachusetts. He submitted his order on 11/27 and on 11/29 a trucking company was obtained for him to load his vehicles on 12/02, exactly as requested. Mariupol Auto Transport received the order and they loaded his vehicles on time. They arrived in Massachusetts on time but could not deliver the vehicles to the exact location do to the DOT. The driver claimed that he is not allowed to enter the area with his truck and even faxed us the tickets he received from the officer. Andrew's associate met the driver, signed and accepted the vehicles. Andrew later called us and advised that the vehicles were a few miles from the designated location. After further discussions with Andrew he advised that it was not a problem as the dealer had a towing company that could pick them up and deliver them to there designated location. The cost for the towing company was $300.00, this was reduced from the amount owed to Mariupol Auto Transport and a check was mailed to Andrew which he deposited. About 3 weeks after his delivery Andrew decides to let us know of the damages caused to his SUV's Mariupol Auto Transport. We explained to Andrew that he had signed and accepted the vehicles in the condition they were in and it would be very difficult to get Mariupol to cover the damages or submit a claim with the insurance after delivery takes place. Had the damages been noted on delivery on the Bill of Lading, the customer would have recourse. Andrew decided to hold us responsible for his damages. It is the customers responsibility to check their vehicles upon delivery and submit any damages to the driver prior to signing the Bill of Lading. We do not deserve this rating and if anyone is at fault for the damages it is obviously the carrier that handled his vehicles.