On Friday, June 22nd, a Porsche 911 Turbo was delivered by Berthoud Fair Deal Auto to our facility in Denver, picked up from MN. Upon arrival, 2 members of our staff and one client witnessed the driver of the transport truck attempt to unload the Porsche (rear and first) without additional ramps, wood planks or any other item to prevent scraping. During the first attempt, the vehicle scraped notably under the front bumper. Upon realizing he was bottoming out, the driver attempted to place additional ramps at the base of the main ramp as an intermediary between the original ramp and the blacktop. Experiencing a similar result, the driver then proceeded to use a third set of ramps at the upper portion where the original ramps met the truck trailer. While backing the vehicle down this third time, one of the upper auxiliary ramps flipped up and wedged itself under the front of the vehicle near the passenger fender well. At that point, the driver backed the car all the way off of the ramp and the helper walked over and physically yanked the metal ramp back-and-forth to dislodge the ramp from the front fender area. Our manager conversed with the driver for 15-20 minutes about the damage and the driver persistently denied responsibility. When asked whether there was insurance to cover the vehicle, he responded "yeah, that's fine".
There was additional damage to the exterior that was not mentioned in the pre-purchase inspection nor was it mentioned by the seller, leading me to believe the damage was caused during transport.
When I called Berthoud to follow up, I was cussed out for 10 minutes by the owner who proceeded to tell me that I was a lying SOB and that I need to take him to court. There are more details, but needless to say this was one of the worst displays of human interaction I've ever encountered. We received no rectification on our $2200 repair bill as Bob denied the claim.
Shipment Details
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On Time
Destination State:
On Time
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Quote or Order Id:
MC#668773 USDOT#1449632
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