MALIA IS THE BEST! Call her at 360-214-3671

Happy SHipper Submitted this review about Auto Shipping Group LLC
Review made Live: 10/31/2014 4:53:00 PM
I am using Malia to ship my car from California to Germany. Everything has gone better than I imagined. She contracted out to Schumacher Cargo Logistics for the ocean transport, and they also have done a wonderful job. Thank you for everything.

Company Response
Terry Williams from Auto Shipping Group LLC Submitted this response.
Response Date: 11/4/2014 11:44:00 AM
MALIA 360-214-3671 - GOING ON SEVEN YEARS WITH MY COMPANY, AVAILABLE FOR WEEKEND AND EVENING QUOTES AND QUESTION. - Thank you for the great review. Your car should be hitting to port at Bremerhaven tomorrow!!!! It sure has been a pleasure working with you. Thanks again for the review.