Melissa Submitted this review about Auto Moving Group LLC
Review made Live: 8/27/2012 2:55:00 PM
I had originally posted this review on 7/02/12, but on 7/05/12 I received an e-mail from Transport Reviews stating that my review was erased because supposedly Auto Moving Group LLC was unable to locate my order and have no way of proving that I was a customer of theirs. But I have already sent Transport Reviews the check that was cashed by Auto Moving Group LLC as well as the agreement as proof. I reposted my review again on 7/20/2012. Today 8/27/12 I received another e-mail stating that my review was AGAIN erased because Auto Moving Group LLC was unable to locate my order and have no way of proving that I was a customer of theirs. I know that I was their customer and I will continue posting this review because the service they gave me was horrible! And since then I have worked with other transporters that have given me excellent service! When I originally contacted Auto Moving Group LLC in June, I spoke to a person named Lily who stated that the transportation would cost $700 and that is what I signed the agreement for. The trucker called me and told me that he would pick up at a certain hour and he never showed up, he did not pick up the vehicle until the next day. The dispatcher Mike bumped up the price to $750 without my approval, so at the end I ended up paying $750.00 otherwise my car would not be delivered. Then when the driver arrived to the delivery address, he did not deliver all the way to the port because he did not have a TWIC card. The driver left the car in the street by the port and I had to pay another trucker $250 to take it to the port. I called them and complained to them about this matter and they stated that Michael would call me back but he never did. I didn’t receive a call from them until July 2, only because they saw that I had posted a poor review. Michael told me to please erase the review and to give them another chance. He then sent me another quote to move another car but by then it was too late since I already had booked my cargo with another carrier that was on time and gave great customer service. All I can say is that Auto Moving Group LLC service stinks!

Company Response
Lily David from Auto Moving Group LLC Submitted this response.
Response Date: 8/27/2012 3:38:00 PM
Hi Melissa, As to why you are posting such a negative review I do not know. You were triple booked with 3 other carriers. You also failed to mention that you did not have the proper paperwork for the port we had to deliver to. You only paid $50 more due to the fact that there was incorrect information given to us. To ruin a companys reputation for nothing is incredible. Unfortunatelly transport reviews does not allow uploading to show customers how you contracted 3 other companies which in turn caused a bidding war on your job. I would have gladly refunded you the $50.00 but you did not want it so I wish you all the best.