Submitted this review about Auto Central Transport Review made Live: 12/2/2011 12:01:00 PM
I did NOT receive any compensation for this review. Craig took my call at 7:40pm at his home!! Can't believe he did that. I was just fishing for best prices and shipping times. For the next 20 minutes he answered EVER question I asked him, responded with professional attitude and concern for what I was trying to accomplish that late in the evening, and made sure I was aware of the entire process, even if I chose not to use his services. That took a heavy burden off of me right then and there. Two days later we were booked, the car was loaded that same day and in transit for an overnight trip! CRAZY! Bottom line-if you need transport services where your concerns are the number one priority, call Craig first. Car arrived the next day in perfect condition as promised. Thank you!
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