You must sign a contract, and when you request a copy you never receive a copy. Once they have your CC information the only way they called me back after a week of constant calling and messages left, was to leave a message stating that I no longer needed their service. Called back in 10 minutes....... Cancelled on 9-21, was told at the onset, the my CC would be billed when the driver confirmed that he had a spot on the carrier. Driver called on 9-22 to make arrangements ( I have the message he left on my phone, date stamped). My CC was charged $150, on the 9-21 even though the driver contacted me for arrangements on the 9-22. Lack of communication was a concern, I choose another company WHO PROVIDED EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE EVERY STEP OF THE WAY..... October CC statement shows a $150.00 charge, dated 9-21. Called the company, spoke with a very rude transportation manager who would not give his name, who told me the $150 was non-refundable. Working with my CC company currently, and filed a complaint with the BB of Florida. This company is NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE FLORIDA BBB, which should tell you something. A company chooses to be affiliated with the BBB of Florida and it would seem like if you are a reputable business, this would be an asset.
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Eric - driver
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