Complete scam! Do NOT use this company!

Rachel Siegert Submitted this review about American Auto Relocation Pros.
Review made Live: 7/31/2008 4:14:00 PM
I read some of the reviews on this site, but still signed a contract with American Auto Relocation Professionals, Inc. despite my better judgment. After experiencing firsthand what most people complained of, I realized that the majority of the 5-star reviews on here are surely posted by the scammers of this "company".

I paid the $145.00 deposit with my credit card (in May) and told the company I HAD to have my car picked up sometime before July 24th since my flight to Illinois left that day (I was moving). They said "no problem". Long story short, I called a few days before July 24th and they kept saying they'd "check on things and call me back". Of course, they never did. Then, they'd tell me "the driver is running a half day behind", but no one ever called or showed up. I called 4-5 times a day for 3 days, but they kept making excuses or wouldn't pick up the phone. By this time, I was really starting to freak out because my flight was leaving the next morning and my car still hadn't been picked up. The company finally told me not to worry because they had a "storage terminal" near Miami airport that I could always drop my car at, in case the driver didn't pick it up before I left. Well, I called multiple times that day just asking for the address of the terminal so I could drop my car there, but they would never give it to me (because it doesn't exist)! They'd just say "we're checking on it and we'll call you back" or "I'm setting things up for you and I'll call you back". Finally when I never heard back (for about the 10th time), I called them and no one answered. I blocked my call (*67) and called back immediately, and they picked up. I kept telling them I needed the address of the storage terminal since my flight was leaving in less than 12 hours at this point, but never got it. They told me they were working until 7pm that night and that they'd definitely call me back with it. Well, about 6:30pm I called them, but again, no one answered. I left multiple voicemails (completely frantic), but no one would return my call or answer the phone.

Ultimately, I basically had to dump my car off at a parking lot in the middle of the night and mail the keys to a former coworker to hang on to until I could find another company to pick up my car. Luckily I paid the $145.00 deposit with my Visa card, so I contacted the fraud department and got the charge reversed since it's a scam. I have already filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau and am in the process of filing complaints and writing letters to every single fraud company I can find. American Auto--I sincerely hope you read this post and what goes around will come back to you!

*** Customer Approved - AjW ***

Company Response
Dianne from American Auto Relocation Pros. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 7/31/2008 5:02:00 PM
Such vitriol is what I am getting used to from this site. It seems that it is a beacon for the angry people in the world who have little basis in reality. For example, here are the facts in this case: She booked an order with an estimated ship date. We set this up with a trucker. She called on her estimated date demanding that we find her a terminal as she had to leave that day. Despite her paranoid belief, we do not have caller ID, and if we don't pick up it is because we are on the phone! We explain to all customers that we are a door to door service. We do not use terminals, and if a customer needs to leave they have to find a friend, neighbor or family member hold on to the car. The trucker was in the area 2 days later and ready to pick up, but the car was no longer available. As a side note, this customer placed her order and contract all online. She never once spoke to someone when she booked it and had amendments made to the contract to reflect that she needed a set or guaranteed date.