excellent service. it take 10 days to found a carrier, but i take the economic rate and be ready for that. very good sheap price. just one thing not accessible, i asked to pay the total to amerifreight because i don t want to pay cod at delivery, and this is not possible with this company. other than that, everything be perfect. i meet the trucker at the peterbilt in champlain. this person be super sympatic and it was nice to meet him. i recommand this company to people who need to carry cars.
the cars was take care and have no dommage at delivery.
every people i had to talk at amerifreight be sympatic and it was a pleasure to talk with them even my first language be french and customer service take time and patience to understand me.
thank you amerifreight!
amerifreigth offer me a 20$ refund to complete this review. i appreciate that too.
Steve Leclerc
quebec, city, canada
Company Response
AmeriFreight from
AmeriFreight Car Shipping Submitted this response.
Response Date: 6/10/2011 9:55:00 AM
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