Upon initial request for quote there was a price provided via email and no further soliciting phone calls which I truly appreciated unlike other shipping companies who inundated my phone and left numerous messages.
After calling Amerifreight the representative explained the process and was courteous. The transport truck arrived for pick up on the exact day requested and the car was received on the other end upon the requested date on the same truck with the same driver who picked up the vehicle from the point of origin. The truck driver and the trucking company representative were very helpful and maintained continuous communication with updates related to the car transport.
In all, very pleasant experience, no major price difference from the initial quote and would use the same company for future car transport.
Company Response
AmeriFreight from
AmeriFreight Car Shipping Submitted this response.
Response Date: 8/26/2014 4:27:00 AM
Call Ali 678-608-0670 A+ BBB accredited (Google us: top rated discount car shipping)