I moved from Texas to the New York metro area 2 years ago and was doing just fine without my vehicle until I had a child in December. It just became very difficult getting around town with baby in tow so I decided to have my car shipped from my parents house. I really had no clue how the process worked and what to expect. I did tons of research on various companies and requested quotes from several different brokers. My initial draw to amerifreight was because they are accredited by the better business bureau. This gave me piece of mind. I was contacted via email from Graham with a quote that was mid range in price compared to other quotes I had received. I waited a few days to my final decision. During that time I was bombarded with calls and emails from other companies. They felt a little pushy. Graham never did this. I guess you could say that he waited for me to contact him. Once I did call, he explained the entire process of shipping a car. Your car is posted to a board with the price you are willing to pay and then a transporter is able to select what he wants to pick up. I told Graham to go ahead and post my vehicle and by the end of the week he contacted me to let me know that a driver was willing to take the car for a little bit more that was quoted. I accepted the new quote. It was still less than other quotes I had been given from other companies. We did have a difficult time getting the car to its final destination due to the inclement weather, but that was something that couldn't be avoided. Every time I called Graham with any questions he was always available or would call me right back. It was nice to have someone help you out each step of the way. My car took a bit longer than expected to arrive, but it was delivered to my front door with zero damage. I'd say that's a win. If I ever need to ship another car I will definitely give Graham call.
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New Jersey
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Company Response AmeriFreight from AmeriFreight Car Shipping Submitted this response.
Response Date: 3/20/2014
Call Graham 678-369-4122 A+ BBB accredited (Google us: top rated discount car shipping)
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