overall experience

Mike Aragon Submitted this review about AmeriFreight Car Shipping
Review made Live: 9/7/2011 9:13:00 PM
I called and left three messages before being getting a return call. Very shocking that happened. When i did in contact with Jasmine she said i probably couldnt get the car here in 7 days for that price. So i said no worries, these places are a dime a dozen and friend used you and said it was good is the only reason i called. She then said for a small fee we can get it there for sure. Again, i said nope, someone else will do it in that time frame for the same price. She then said yes i can do it in that time frame. The next day i was shocked when someone called and said they could pick it up that day. Although this was great it is afra cry from the original sory and gave me no time for any planning. The car was delivered and the driver was a good guy. Good condition and no complaitnts with his service or the overall service except it was funny that they would try and up my price and not be truthful from the begining, and oh yeah not being called back for withot three calls wasnt very good. I would still use this company agaion because they did do a good job once they realized they couldnt raise my rates. I underatnd its probably poicy by the company to try and raise rates and dont hold that agaisnt Jasmine, and she was great after that was settled.

Company Response
AmeriFreight from AmeriFreight Car Shipping Submitted this response.
Response Date: 9/8/2011 10:54:00 AM
BBB accredited 5 star rated. For BUDGET quotes call Jasmine 678-369-0942. Google us anytime!