Submitted this review about Ambela Inc. Review made Live: 11/10/2011 9:50:00 PM
Worst nightmare ever. My suggestion, stay AWAY from Ambela transport.
I shipped my car out over two weeks ago, yet I sit here carless. I called the company on Monday (when the car was due) wondering the whereabouts of my car. Just my luck, apparently the transferring truck broke down over the weekend. A bit worried, I asked the rep to make sure I get my car by Friday so I can start moving upstate... He reassured me that it would come my way by that time. I called them again on Thursday to confirm my cars arrival... yet they gave me the exact same excuse. Not once did anyone from their company try and notify me that they had mechanical troubles. I spoke to the manager, Mitch, and I got off the phone feeling not only insulted but livid. He did not know the whereabouts of my car, nor did he really care. The least he could of done was be a little apologetic and try to find out concrete details about when I would get my car. He even had the audacity to end me mid sentence and say "this conversation is over." Worst customer service ever.
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New York
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