I am a disabled individual who hired All American to tansport my vehicle from New York to Florida. The car was picked up with minimal nicks and scrathces but delivered with significant damage to the lower front bumper. Their inspection at pickup and deilivery verified this and they acknowledged the damage. I contacted the company but the only person to return my calls and messages was their subcontractor, Adam. He told me what documents he needed, wanted two estimates for repairs and said the company would reimburse me for the damage after I had it repaired. I followed his instructions. Along the way I spoke directly to the company rep, Vanessa and one of her associates. They were aware of what was going on and even asked for copies of the same documents, which I supplied to them. After repairs were made and aknowldged, I was told I would get a check in a couple of weeks. When nothing came, I contacted them again but no one would return my call. When I called the company again directly, Vanessa told me she would handle it and get me paid. After following up with her several times, she eventually told me that the subcontracor told her that he had sent out a check but was 'having problems with his accountant' so would need a few more weeks to see if the check had cleared. I told her that I hadn't received a check and was dubious that this story was true. She wanted to wait. After waiting, I again had to pursue reimbursement and again had to be persistent in gettin a response. Finally Vanessa contacted me and told me that I HAD WAITED TO LONG AND HADN'T FOLLOWED THEIR OFFICIAL PROCEDURE SO BECAUSE SHE COULDN'T GET REIMBURSED BY HER SUBCONTRACTOR SHE NO LONGER HAD TO HONOR HER CONTRACTUAL AGRREMENT! First, I followed every procedure they gave me. Second, they lied and possibly conspired to avoid paying. DO NOT TRUST THEM. LEARN FROM MY EXPERIENCES. I have dozens of emails verifying this and now have to file in small claims court to pursue them further.
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New York
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