Stay away from this company, find another company. However, check them out also--it could another "Affiliated Auto-Transporters." I have wrote to the state of CA on this company and its a shame that the State Attorney of California office pass me on to another office, however none have helped me solved this problem. I email the office of California Public Utilities Commission (Transportation Enforcement Section) in SF with no luck. At least they call me, but could not take that information, because they were not in that city. However, I found them to be in Malibu, CA, which a complaint can be file with the Los Angles BBB. I have been in contact with them. Now, I have contact the Small Claim court in that area and they have asked me to file a small claims on line and the fee are more than what I am tying to get back from this rotten company, however all fees are returned if I win. I have all my documents and bank notes that the company was paid $195.00 and they were to sent me the money back after 14 days (that was in Feb 06). Andy, the manger as he said that he was told me that I have to wait 14 days…well; I am still waiting on my $195.00.
Wrote to my State Attorney of North Carolina, not much that they can do, but received some awesome information from them, that might be of some help to me. "Affiliated Auto-Transporters” they must need the money very bad and they feed on folks like us and the State of CA let them do this…that’s what really makes me think, why does the State of California to include the State Attorney of California let this company do these things with so many complains against them…WHY, WHY California?
Beware…stay away from this company!!!
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