Most horrible experience EVER BUYER BEWARE

Amy Submitted this review about Advanced Logistics
Review made Live: 9/12/2008 1:43:00 PM
This company is a SHAM. They never sent me a contract on the date of order. I called several times to have them resend. They had my name wrong, email wrong and my address wrong. Corrected them 3 times, still no contract. I paid 200 deposit over the phone. Time came to have my car delivered. They were charging me another $220 for undisclosed fees called termianl fee (because I droped my car off) and 10% gas fee. This was not disclosed to me at time of order. Then Andy claims that I should have known. How? I never got the contract!!! I got the contract 5 days after I had the car shipped! Trying to resolve the situation just turned into a mess. Andy proceeded with screaming over me, never allowing me talk and threating me with keeping my car!! I felt like I was dealing with a child with the emotional intelligence of a brick. He threatened to send my car over 200 miles away if I did not pay a total of $1420. With my deposit of $200 that would be a total of $1620. My quote was for $1200!! Basically, I was prepared to get my attorney involved and call the police with a stolen vehicle report. DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY. They need to be put out of business.