5 Star Service

Regina Campbell Submitted this review about ALS Cavalier Convoy LLC
Review made Live: 10/27/2013 9:19:00 PM
Alex and Carlos are one of the most professional customer service individuals i have ever dealt with after getting the run around from the first couple of companies wich i wont mention they are not worth my time. I thought i can save some money using the lower prices from my request online everyone promised me the world i booked my transport with the first company about 1 month ago so i can have an early reservation they took $400 deposit back in september wich i have not received back yet. I cancel my order with them and decided to call ALS my kings they gave me exactly what i deserved 100% honesty and fast reliable service. They asked me to give them 3 days to locate drivers for me on my route and they called me the very next morning with a driver ready to pick up my vehicle within the next 3 hours so they did driver gave me a 6 day delivery time wich he arrived earlier than that what a great turn around of events that was for me. After my horrible issue with the first company that quoted me to sell me just a dream never again will i do that thank you again als for an outstanding transportation service i would always recommend this company to ship vehicles.