
Frank Duchon Submitted this review about AAAll States Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/20/2012 2:29:00 PM
Price quoted not honored, day and time of pick up not adhered to and drop off day and 1/2 late and no communication whatsoever!!
3 cars pick up and drop off at same locations.Price quoted was not kept increased by $100 per car
We gave 3 day window of availability and had to call dispatch and make arrangements ourselves for pick up. We called numerous times from 2nd day on and we were promised we would get call which never came. Pick up was Tuesday night at 7;00 pm. We called ourselves to dispatch and had to convince them to come and pick up that evening as we were flying out next AM.
When driver came to pick up cars he had no paperwork and or info given by Aaall States Auto Transport.
Delivery was promised for 2-3 days from pick up which would be Friday at latest. When we called Friday afternoon we were told by Dispatch that we could pick up cars at a different location after 9:00 pm or they would be delivered by 10:30 following morning. We decided Sat AM.
Called numerous times to dispatch Sat AM with no response at 11:30 we received phone call stating that driver would be in touch with us within 1 hour. As of 2:30 no call or contact of any kind.
Again after numerous phone calls with no response we were guaranteed cars would be delivered shortly and driver would call.
driver called at 8:00PM and cars were delivered at 9:00
recap: price quoted not honored, day and time of pick up not adhered to and drop off day and 1/2 late and no communication whatsoever.