Complete Satisfaction

Phil Submitted this review about AA Auto & Home Movers
Review made Live: 12/26/2006 6:35:00 PM
I had reason to transport a vehicle from New York to California for one of my customers with two thoughts in mind - cost and respect for his $80,000 Corvette. I then proceeded to call 10 shipping company's I found on the internet, all claiming the best service and price, by the way, ranging from $2400 to $1582. My charge was to find both cost and concern for his vehicle. What I found in Kristin Thom was a level of professionalism that no one else offered, to give me the confidence to hand this vehicle over to them. Kristin took charge. Not only was her quote the best, so was the service. Kristin kept me informed each step of the way. She did a great job and is a credit to your organization. Thank you Kristin. I will add...the people at your Torrance depot, Steve and Irene, were equally up to the task, also the driver that finally delivered the vehicle, all this added up to great service and complete satisfaction for a very grateful customer. Thank you one and all!


Posted by CAW Auth. #00006363