Mike M
Submitted this review about 1Flat-Rate LLC Review made Live: 5/21/2010 4:23:00 PM
After several conversations with unenthusiastic brokers, I called 1Flat-Rate and had an informative phonecon with Ray. He briefed me on the pluses and minuses of my intended move and helped me post the load (with realistic numbers) to the board that's reviewed by carriers. I was fortunate enough to have a friend who's a carrier agree to pick up my load, but I was stuck with the problem of how to get it out of a tight neighborhood to a place where it could be picked up. Ray made a couple of calls for me and helped me find a local towing/storage place, which saved me the $$ of flying out to KY to babysit the process. Since Ray's compensation is like his carriers' - on delivery - he did all this gratis. I appreciate his forthrightness and willingness to help a newbie negotiate his way through the transport process. (These comments are unsoliced and uncompensated.)
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