One Shot Express came through with both our vehicles!!
Christina P
Submitted this review about
1 Shot Express Transport LLC
Review made Live: 1/3/2011 4:32:00 PM
My experience with One Shot Express was excellent. I received emails from Karel immediately after I sent in the request and he dealt with us up until the cars were shipped. Once shipped, the carriers were very friendly, courteous. Our 2nd vehicle was delivered before the quoted date. We were very pleased and will definately ship with them in the future...
However, we cannot seem to get ahold of them at this time and I need a receipt for my deposit. If anyone out there has their contact information, I would greatly appreciate it. I have been trying the phone number and it rings and rings. I am sure I have the number wrong...
Thanks everyone! Use OneShot Express if you h ave the need. They are fair and honest and helped my family move across country without the horror stories that I have heard from others!!
Christina Padilla
Company Response
1 S.E.T. from
1 Shot Express Transport LLC Submitted this response.
Response Date: 1/21/2011 1:00:00 PM
Thank you very kindly Christina. Such nice review means a lot to us.
We certainly appreciate it.